Global report suggests women's attitude to beauty and ageing treatments is changing

People look for cosmetic treatments to boost their self confidence just as much as to improve their appearance according to results from the largest research study on beauty and ageing.
The report, which was commissioned by Allergan, the makers of Juvéderm facial fillers and other cosmetic products, asked for the opinions of nearly 8,000 people from 16 different countries.
And the women's motivations for seeking beauty and ageing treatments were very positive.
"This self empowered attitude towards beauty is heartening."
Almost three quarters of those surveyed said they make an effort to look their best primarily for themselves rather than their partners or friends.
This self empowered attitude towards beauty is heartening.
Many women seek cosmetic treatments because they want to look less tired, healthier and fresher.
Dermal fillers can help some patients achieve these goals but as with all plastic surgery it’s important to understand the patient’s emotional motivations and their goals in order to give them the best possible result.